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We would like to inform you that our e-shop will be under maintenance from now until August 1, 2024. We are working hard to improve your online shopping experience and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
We will be back on August 1, 2024, with new features and better performance to serve you even better.
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See you soon,
The e-shop team ArmenianBrandyAndWine
About Trinity Canyon Vineyards

The story of Trinity Canyon Vineyards started in two thousand nine,when three (Trinity) enthusiastic and determined wine aficionados decided to step into the mysterious world of wine crafting. Assisted by an equally passionate group of winegrowers and winemakers, they established a unique vineyard in the Vayots Dzor Highlands,in the close vicinity of the world’s oldest known wine producing site dating back some 6100 years. Trinity wines are filled with faith, traditions and legends of Armenian winemakers that will always serve as a beacon for all our undertakings.

The most important for us is being pure-hearted and ready to accept and share knowledge and experience. As one of our team members said “open-mindedness is not a skull fracture”. Same values we try to apply in our vineyards, carefully handling and taking care of our grapes, which finally reflects in our wine quality. Being on the way to complete organic viticulture and wine processing, we truly believe that only by respecting the traditions of Armenian wine crafting and moving towards most advanced winemaking technologies we can achieve our goals. Always ready for challenges and always a little bit drunk, Trinity team welcomes you!


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