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Tushpa Wine


Taperakan, Ararat Valley

Tushpa is a traditional Armenian family-owned winery. The estate was founded in 1992 by winemaker Mihran Manasserian. Tushpa is located in the village of Taperakan, in the heart of the Ararat Valley, near the Khor Virap monastery, 30 km west of Yerevan.

Tushpa aims to stay true to the best original practices that have made Armenian Wine so sought after. One of these such practices is spontaneous fermentation which is found in their red wines.


Taperakan village, in the Ararat Valley. Nearly 800m above sea level. The soil is clay based consisting of some sedimentary rocks. During the harvest season average temperature is between +12°C/+30°C. Tushpa holds 6 hectares of vineyards with HaghtanakKangun and Muscat grape varieties. The grapes respond positively and enthusiastically to the range of climatic conditions typical to the Ararat Valley.

For Tushpa it is fundamental to enhance the terroir influence in the end product. Only by sharing these unique qualities will Tushpa wines be protected and justified.

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