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Karas Areni Sireni

Karas Areni - Khndoghni (SIRENI) red

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Armenian Red Wine - Karas Areni & Sireni - Armavir Region - Tierras de Armenia.

Grape varieties: Areni, Sireni (Khndoghni)

  • Bold, fresh, and fruit foward, experience this wonderfully complex blend from the birthplace of viticulture. To be enjoyed remotely - until your next trip to Armenia.
  • What does it mean for a wine to be Armenian? It is a question we have asked ourselves relentlessly. With this Special Edition Armenian Blend, made of indigenous grapes, Areni and Khndoghni, which have thrived in the region for millennia, we feel we have found an answer. Bold, fresh, and fruit foward, experience this wonderfully complex blend from the birthplace of viticulture. To be enjoyed remotely - until your next trip to Armenia.



Karas Wines in the hands of the Eurnekian family

Sustainability, family, tradition and expertise come together at Karas Wines, an Armenian winery seated under the eternal gaze of Mount Ararat. Our mission is to produce world-class vintages from our own vineyards in Armavir, Armenia.

Karas, the winery name, means ‘amphora’ in Armenian, a sacred wine-making clay vessel used here for 6,000 years. That, combined with Armenia’s ancient oenological culture, inspires us to chart the future of the birthplace of wine while reclaiming the mantle as a producer of the world’s most desired wines.

An Armenian family’s journey

The Armenian diaspora took the Eurnekian family to Argentina, but Karas Wines is a result of a family seeking to renew roots in the original homeland, renewing traditions, and also ensuring sustainable ecosystems and biodiversity. They already have the knowhow.

Eduardo Eurnekian and Juliana Del Aguila Eurnekian – uncle and niece – are responsible for the premium vineyard property Bodega Del Fin Del Mundo, in Neuquén, Argentina. Together, they’ve been making wine for more than a decade in Patagonia, a region known for its wines of origin, and shoulder to shoulder they founded Karas in Armavir, whose volcanic terroir is equally unique.

Vintner and sommelier Juliana turned her hand to winemaking years ago with one of the world’s greatest mentors: Michel Rolland. All three embarked on this special project that has both innovation and environmental responsibility at its heart, believing Karas will build bridges between Armenia and the rest of the world.

Armavir, our terroir

Seated in the shadows of sacred Mount Ararat, Armavir and its venerable terroir made it a natural choice to begin the Karas Wines story.

Armavir’s past goes back to the Bronze Age, as attested by karases dating 6,000 years discovered in Areni-1 cave, just a stone’s throw from the winery; these, along with other oenological archaeological discoveries place Armenia as the oldest wine-making culture in the world.

History is rooted in this project, but Karas Wines is keenly aware of the future and the need for responsible stewardship. Thanks to Armavir’s special terroir – favourable volcanic soil and a singular climate accompanied by thermal amplitude – Karas Wines applies a sustainable and organic philosophy in line with Bioma practices to ensure its vineyards are healthy and remain chemical additive free. 

Volcanic soil ensures a singular identity.

magine an omnipotent snow-capped mountain that in its previous life as a volcano would unexpectedly release its wrath. Today, Mount Ararat’s ancient rage has come to benefit Karas Wines.
These black volcanic soils are extremely conducive to growing healthy vines whose grapes have a fantastic character and produce a marked identity.

From fire, earth and wine: our soil profiles
Volcanic in origin, these soils harbour medium to heavy, lighty eroded clay formed by basalt, high levels of carbonate and limestone, volcanic tuff (rock made from ash) and alluvial stones.This desert-like
land is very rocky and low in organic matter, its extremly dry continental climate ensuring a maximum 300 mm rainfall a year. To this complex mix profiles, Karas Wines only bestows natural compost
and organic fertilisers. Producing wine from these soils is truly a privilege.


Product Details

Armavir, Armenia
Karas - Tierras de Armenia
Wine color
Grape variety
Areni Noir
Sireni (Khndoghni)
In Amphora
Oak barrels + Amphora
Michel Rolland, Gabriel Rogel
750 ml
Alcohol content
European Union

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